
About Me

I have been a Head Teacher at Bing Nursery School, the research and lab school at Stanford University since 1993.  I am also a lecturer in the Department of Psychology at Stanford and have taught child development courses since 2001. Before Stanford, I managed a private nursery school in Delhi and received my masters (M.Ed.) in Early Childhood Education at the University of Cincinnati.


Part of my role as Head Teacher includes working with parents to develop trusting and caring relationships with their children by demonstrating how to be aware of their child’s needs, interests, and developmental changes. Often my relationships with families extend well beyond nursery school, and I continue to be a resource to them as their children enter elementary, middle, and high school. In addition to my training and expertise, I bring my own personal experiences of raising my 25 year old son in an intergenerational household.


I serve as a Board Member at several schools, both in the San Francisco Bay Area and on the East Coast. I lead professional development workshops for preschool teachers and present at national education conferences on a myriad of topics related to research in child development, curriculum, classroom management, and parental involvement. 



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