We have three kids with three completely different personalities, communication styles, and emotional needs. As parents, we were completely lost in terms of how to best support, teach, and encourage them as individuals until we met Parul. She patiently and compassionately got to know our family, without judgment or pretense. Even now, 7 years after we first met Parul, she is still the first person we turn to when we have questions about our kids. We are so blessed to have her as a guide and friend in our parenting journey.

— Annie Zhu - High School Counselor

I have been in the unique and extremely fortunate position of having Parul teach my children for over six years when they were at Bing, and of working with Parul as a colleague on projects related to increasing cultural sensitivity in early childhood education. Parul is a true gem, one of those teachers that you dream about your children having! She has invaluable expertise and training in early childhood education based on her decades of work in the field. Her work has helped so many children and their families navigate those early years and beyond! This is partly because Parul exudes genuine warmth, love, and nurturance, which promotes the growth of all children and adults in her orbit. Parul is also a natural leader--she knows how to work with other teachers, staff, and parents in an open, collaborative, and compassionate way.  

Each time I entered her classroom, I felt a sense of coordination in the team that made me confident that all the children in her classroom would receive the love and support they needed to grow socially, cognitively, and emotionally. Now many years later, as my children have faced the normal social and emotional ups and downs of elementary and middle school, I see how my children learned so many critical friendship and citizenship skills in Parul’s classroom. 

As a psychologist, I see the astuteness of Parul’s observations, and how she effectively and intelligently applies empirical research findings into classroom practice. She also works well with families of all cultural backgrounds and shows a deep respect for each family’s cultural values and traditions. Parul is an extremely gifted educator—whether she’s teaching children, their parents, or Stanford undergraduates, she teaches with her mind and heart. I learn something from Parul every time we meet, whether it’s about my children, child development, or even myself. I wish all families had an opportunity to work with and learn from her--she is truly one-of-a-kind!

— Jeanne Tsai - Psychology Professor Stanford University 

Parul is one of those teachers who make a difference in peoples lives…Her knowledge of preschool education is vast, but more importantly she puts it into practice for the enrichment of us all.

— Diana Hawkins

My kids were lucky enough to have Teacher Parul from ages 3-5. She was the embodiment of kindness, and modeled curiosity, encouragement, and delight at little ones exploring and learning to be in community with others.

— Julie Lythcott-Haims

“She provided so much support to us as new parents”

Parul is one of the most gifted educators we’ve had the privilege of knowing. She not only was an incredibly kind, thoughtful, and inquisitive teacher to our daughters but she provided so much support to us as new parents. She is a great communicator and shares insights, guidance/advice and strategies for what parents can do at home in easily understandable ways.  

— Adti Geol

“My kids adore teacher Parul”

Both my kids were in Parul's classroom. Parul understands the child's psychology very well and really attunes herself to the kid's needs. She keeps the kids engaged and encourages the kids to go beyond their comfort zones and try out new things. She is also very engaged with parents and makes sure that the parents understand what their kid learnt and where the next development focus is. She makes the classroom very lively, warm, and affectionate. My kids adore Teacher Parul

— Ruching

We have known Parul for the past 10 years. Our seventh and third graders were her students at Bing Nursery School when they were in pre-kindergarten and we have remained in close touch. 

Parul is a brilliant educator. She taught our children to develop their intellectual curiosity through play, to manage their emotions, and to advocate for themselves. These early experiences have helped shape who our children are today and we are grateful to Parul. 

Parul is an extremely generous and loving educator who was incredibly invested in our children’s success and wellbeing. Our children fondly remember time spent with her in their pre-K classroom, as do we.

Parul was also a terrific partner for us as we navigated parenthood for the first time—she was frank, caring and constructive. We truly appreciate and value our relationship with her that continues to this day! In fact, many of the best pieces of parenting advice we have received, have come from her. We are very fortunate to have Parul in our lives.

We highly recommend Parul!

— Saloni Doshi

We had our son and daughter in Parul’s class at Bing Nursery School. Not only is she a very experienced teacher and a great leader, her deep insight towards children behavior helped our family realize important things we can work on.

— TK Mori