Why I Care

I believe that the early childhood experience significantly influences who we become as adults. My childhood was shaped by a wide and loving circle of family: my parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. Where is that village today? Who takes care of the parents of young children? Who gives them counsel in child rearing? What are the parent’s support systems? I want to be a resource for parents who are trying to raise happy and healthy children while struggling to balance parenting with busy work schedules. 

While the individual family unit and job necessities are prominent today, that circle of support in child-rearing is still possible. In my experience in teaching children and supporting families, I have seen the need and desire from countless parents to find the balance between career, education, extracurricular activities, and more importantly, meaningful family time. 

What I Can Provide

My coaching services are designed to empower each parent. As I travel with you hand in hand, to rediscover your inner strengths and gifts, together we will find the tools and practical strategies that work for you and your family, so that you worry less and parent with more confidence. 


Why should you take on a parent coach? We all rely on instincts to support the relationships in our lives. Parents navigate a fine balance between creating freedom of expression and establishing guidance to maximize their child’s potential. As a parent coach, I will be your objective sounding board, a scaffolder who can partner with you to deepen your understanding of your child and his/her development. My goal is to help you be the best parent you can be, a parent who understands how to build a foundation for a happy, healthy, and empowered child.


As a parent coach, my process involves guiding clients through their own personal journey and self-discoveries in an accepting and gentle manner. In the Discovery session, I will thoughtfully listen to your values, family rhythms, challenges, and children’s potential, and then I will use my experience to suggest actions you could try with your family. You can rely on me, your advocate, to provide authentic, constructive, honest feedback, and support. Reinforcing the family dynamics in each concentric ring—parent-parent, parent-child and child-child—build layers of strengths within the family circle.

Coaching Topics

  • How to Talk to Children: Effective Communication Skills 

  • Transitions

  • Separation

  • Language Development

  • School Readiness

  • Social/Emotional Development

  • How to Build a Home Library

  • Positive Guidance/Discipline

  • How to Maintain a Balanced Work and Family Life

  • Raising Children with Morals and Values

  • Developing Critical and Creative Thinking

  •  Motivation and Young Children

  •  Raising Resilient Children

  •  Sibling Relationships

  • Collaboration: Children, Parents and Grandparents